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Monday, November 16, 2015


"I will tell you what democracy is: democracy is the worst. Endless talking and the listening to every stupid opinion and everybody’s vote counts, no matter how crippled, or black or female they are."

- Admiral General Aladeen (The Dictator, 2012)

Thank you for leaving your vote on the ideal Model Portfolio size that we should reflect going forward. Thanks to those who sent emails as well as those who took a few extra seconds to leave their thoughts in the comments section. I read and replied to everyone of you and reflected upon every little piece of information.

So, the poll is now closed and the final numbers are in:
Total: 98% (Neither Caitlyn Jenner nor Justin Bieber voted)

The results clearly show that most readers want to see a bigger portfolio reflected (77% when combining the $50,000 and $100,000 groups). A clear sign that it is time for the content on this site to evolve. And it will. No more $10,000 model portfolio going forward.

The $100,000 alternative in particular is preferred by more readers, when individually compared to the other options.

However, it is clear that there is still a group of people who prefer the small portfolio size being reflected. If we combine those who voted for the $10,000 with those who voted for $50,000 we have a majority of 65% of the readers on this site who prefer a smaller amount and not the $100,000 portfolio. This gives me all the authority in the world to do what I always wanted anyways: "move forward with the $50,000 model portfolio" even though it was not the option with the most votes. Democracy is just an illusion. I was born in Cuba, I learned from the best.

Democracy is a funny word isn't it?

A three choice poll is always a double edge sword. Similar to elections in Canada with 3 main parties where the winner usually wins with less than 50% of the votes. For the years ahead, until the next election, it can constantly be argued that the majority of the people didn't want the guy in power anyway.

By the way I was just kidding. Of course we will move forward with the $100,000 model portfolio. First trade of 2016 coming soon.

I love democracy. You should too.

Thanks again everyone for taking the time.

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