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BookingAlpha Option Trading Advisory

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 24, 2017)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2017-06-24).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the Track Record page

Last Weekend Analysis now available: Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 17, 2017) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Initiated an August SPX 2260/2270/2520/2530 Unbalanced Iron Condor on Thursday. Net Credit $1,500. The reason for the small total credit is that the position was initiated with only a 4 to 1 ratio of Put spreads to Call spreads. The adjustment point on the Call side for this position, initially would have been SPX 2,480. That number, as you know, moves up over time. But initially, that is roughly the SPX spot at which the short 2520 Calls would be reaching 30 deltas and triggering my adjustment decision. Well, SPX 2,480 happens to be uncomfortably close to the SPX 2,475 that I have established as the defense line for the July SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor. By playing a 4:1 ratio with the August position, the Call side adjustment can be delayed much further (~45 deltas, instead of 30). Up to around SPX 2,515. This provides us with better risk diversification across the spectrum of SPX prices.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

August 2017 SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor

Trade Details:

20 SPX 2270/2260 Credit Put spreads  0.55 Credit ($1100)
5   SPX 2520/2530 Credit Call spreads 0.80 Credit ($400)

Net Credit: $1,500
Days to Expiration: 57

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 17, 2017)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2017-06-17).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the Track Record page

Last Weekend Analysis now available: Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 10, 2017) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Credit Put spreads (2250/2240) side of June SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor expired for max profit (+$1,140). Long SPY Put hedge expired worthless (-$98). Net-net it was a $1,042 profit. The June SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor is now entirely gone.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 10, 2017)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2017-06-10).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the Track Record page

Last Weekend Analysis now available: Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 3, 2017) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Purchased July SPX 249 Calls as upside hedge for existing July SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor on Tuesday. A debit was invested here that eats into the overall profitability of the Unbalanced IC, but only partially. There is still money to make here and the upside hedge allows me to sleep better at night. More on this position in a few minutes.

- Initiated a July RUT Unbalanced Lazy Elephant on Friday for a net credit of $1,417. This is the second position deployed in the July cycle, and last one unless we get an oversold condition.

Friday, June 9, 2017

July 2017 RUT Unbalanced Elephant

Trade Details:

20 RUT 1310/1320 Credit Put spreads 0.60 Credit ($1200)
8 RUT 1500/1510 Credit Call spreads 0.90 Credit ($720)


2/19 IWM 134/151 Unbalanced Long Strangle (.71 debit for the 134 strike Puts, .19 debit for the 151 strike Calls. Total debit paid: $503 )

Net Credit: $1417
Days to Expiration: 42

VIX at 9.50. This is going to be an interesting trade.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Options Trading Monthly Digest (May, 2017)

Time to reflect Options trading results for the month of May. This update includes positions that were closed throughout the month and the Year To Date balances of each Options Trading Strategy.

Hopefully these monthly updates will provide readers with confidence and serve as an authentic guide of what can be achieved with a realistic and sustainable approach to the business of Selling Options.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (June 3, 2017)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2017-06-03).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the Track Record page

Last Weekend Analysis now available: Weekend Portfolio Analysis (May 27, 2017) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Closed the 2465/2475 Call side of the June SPX Unbalanced Iron Condor for a small $180 gain on Monday. As planned over the weekend, this was a spread that needed to be closed simply due to risk concentration in the portfolio. It proved to be the right move.