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BookingAlpha Option Trading Advisory

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

October positions adjustments

What a day in the markets today! I made three trades in total, all of them using October options. Before going to the action, these are the positions that I had in October:

October SPX 1575/1580/1750/1755 Iron Condor
October RUT 1120/1125 Bear Call Spread

After 2pm the orgy began and SPX went up to a high of 1729 a few minutes later. The 1750 short strike of the SPX Iron Condor hit the 30% probability of expiring in the money and I rolled it up to 1780 as follows:

Bought to Close 4 SPX October 1750 Call @10.80
Sold to Close 4 SPX October 1755 Call  @9.00
Sold to Open 4 SPX October 1780 Call  @3.30
Bought to Open 4 SPX October 1785 Call @2.60

All for a Net Debit of 1.10
In particular, the 1750/1755 Call Spread was closed for 1.80 debit. Because a credit of 0.50 had been received initially for it, this trade represents a 1.30 loss.

After that I sold an SPX 1615/1620 Bull Put spread as follows:
Bought to Open 4 SPX October 1615 Put @3.40
Sold  to Open 4 SPX October 1620 Put @3.70
Credit received: 0.30 ($120)
Max Risk: 4.70 ($1880)
30 Days to expiration
And the 1620 strike with a 10% probability of expiring in the money.

Finally the last trade of the day was simply closing the 1575/1580 SPX Put spread for a small profit:
Sold to Close 4 SPX October 1575 Put @1.65
Bought to Close 4 SPX October 1580 Put @1.75
Debit 0.10 ($40), and because this spread had a credit of 0.30, it is a small 0.20 win ($80)

I didn't do anything with the existing RUT 1120/1125 Bear Call Spread.

As a result the October portfolio now has:
1- SPX 1615/1620/1780/1785 Iron Condor (1.00 total credit.0.70 on the Calls side and 0.30 on the Puts)
2- RUT 1120/1125 Bear Call spread (0.50 credit)

With SPX at 1729 and RUT at almost 1077 I feel comfortable with those two positions. The market is probably at its hottest point this year and needs a rest (Stochastics 94, McClellan at its highest this year +265 and 80% of the stocks are above their 20SMA) With the accumulated credit of $600 in the two open positions, it is possible to make October a positive month.

(Click on image to enlarge)

Check out 2013 Track Record

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  1. This is probably the worst year in a long time to sell bear call spreads. As long as QE is still around, be very careful with bear call spreads.

  2. Hi Henrick,

    One other thing, I would have waited to hear the Fed announcement today before selling that RUT November bear call spread. I know you did it on Tuesday and you have a very good reason to do it because the market is overbought. An overbought market can stay overbought for a while. How long are you going to wait until you hedge that position? Sure, the market will pull back eventually but can you hedge with the 1000/995. It seems safe for now. If markets do come crashing down, you can always roll it down. In a bull market, the bear call spreads will most likely give you trouble not the bull put spreads. Just some things to think about. You obviously understand risk and have a good handle on risk management. So your discipline and rules will protect you in a market crash which I don't see happening until next year.

  3. That's a goood idea, in fact I've been thinking about. I will give it more thought today and will maybe hedge. Thanks.
