Louis lost more than 30 grand last year trading options. That's a lot of dead presidents right there. Sadly, Louis reads to much MarketWatch and Bloomberg, and stays on Twitter for too long. Sadly, Louis has also read this site and because of that he is considering to continue trading. God save his soul.
"I am a newbie trader, transitioning from a full time job to trading options. I lost over $30K trading last year and desperately need to turn around my anxious and stressful life. I cannot go on waking up in the middle of the night with my heart wanting to explode. My health is deteriorating because of concerns about my future. Most traders deal with a lot of trades and I cannot handle that pace anymore. Hopefully I can learn from you and stop being depressed. I wonder if you have any good advice for me. Seems you know what you are doing. Thank you. Be blessed by our Heavenly Father."