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Friday, August 31, 2018

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 31)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2018-08-31).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the 2018 Track Record page

Previous Analysis now publicly available:
Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 26, 2018) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Initiated an October SPX Elephant on Monday. Net credit $1,448.

- Added a new Call side to the RUT Elephant Put side on Monday. Back to a full Elephant position. The original Call side on the September RUT Elephant had been taken off for profits a couple of weeks ago. The new Call side recently deployed brought a new credit of $363.

- Closed Call side of September SPX Elephant on Monday at a $1,098 loss. The market gap up didn't help and I ended up closing it when the SPX was trading around 2,893. Way beyond the proposed defense line of 2,885.

Monday, August 27, 2018

October SPX Elephant (August 27, 2018)

Trade Details:

SELL 20 SPX October 2700/2690 Credit Put spreads @0.60 Credit
SELL   8 SPX October 3010/3020 Credit Call spreads @0.90 Credit

Long hedges:
BUY  8  SPY October 302 Calls @0.42
BUY  1  SPY October 274 Puts @1.36

Total Net Credit: $1,448
Days to Expiration: 52

Risk profile:

SPX Chart for future reference:

Trade Update (October 2, 2018)

Closed entire position:

20 SPX October 2700/2690 Credit Put spreads @0.10 Debit
Original Credit was 0.60. Net gain of 0.50 per = $1,000

8 SPX October 3010/3020 Credit Call spreads @0.30 Debit
Original Credit was 0.90. Net gain of 0.60 per = $480

8  SPY October 302 Calls @0.11 Credit
Original Debit paid was 0.42. Net loss  $248

1  SPY October 274 Puts @0.23 credit
Original Debit paid was 1.36. Net loss $113

Combining it all:  +1000 + 480 - 248 - 113 = $1119
Max potential profit was $1,448.  So, 77% of the max profit has been taken after 35 days in the position and 17 days to expiration.

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 26, 2018)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2018-08-26).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the 2018 Track Record page

Previous Analysis now publicly available:
Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 18, 2018) 
Recent Trading Activity

- No Activity. While working this past week at the Toronto offices it became literally impossible to do anything trading related. My reading of the market was good coming into the week with a bullish bias. All time higs were taken. The previous week's action plan should have been applied: Reopening Call side on the RUT Sept Elephant; deploying first October position. But again, between meetings and a very demanding schedule, I simply had no time to patiently enter orders, wait for fills, write blog articles about it.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 18, 2018)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2018-08-18).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the 2018 Track Record page

Previous Analysis now publicly available:
Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 12, 2018) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Initiated SPX September Elephant on Tuesday for $1,438 credit.

- Closed Call side of RUT September Elephant for a $364 profit on Wednesday. There is now a chance to redeploy it on a market rebound.

- Put side of RUT August Elephant expired for a $1,100 profit on Friday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

September SPX Elephant

Trade Details:

SELL 40 SPX September 2650/2645 Credit Put spreads @0.30 Credit
SELL   9 SPX September 2925/2935 Credit Call spreads @0.80 Credit

Long hedges:
BUY   9 SPY September 293 Calls @0.40
BUY   1 SPY September 269 Puts @1.22

Total Net Credit: $1,438
Days to Expiration: 38

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 12, 2018)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2018-08-12).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the 2018 Track Record page

Previous Analysis now publicly available:
Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 4, 2018) 
Recent Trading Activity

- Closed the August SPX Elephant Put side on Monday for a $1,100 gain. This Elephant is now entirely closed.

- I tried to initiate a September SPX Elephant on Friday without luck. I tried a few strikes, different widths and credits to no avail. I didn't want to sacrifice a lot of credit, which was small to begin with. I will try to establish a September SPX Elephant again on Monday.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (August 4, 2018)

This week's analysis has been published at

Download Weekend Portfolio Analysis (2018-08-04).pdf

If the above link doesn't work for you, simply log in to, navigate to the "Weekly Analysis" tab and download the document from there.

The Weekend Portfolio Analysis will be available on this site next week for historical reference.

All currently open positions can be seen on the 2018 Track Record page

Previous Analysis now publicly available:
Weekend Portfolio Analysis (July 28, 2018) 
Recent Trading Activity

- No Activity.

I tried to close the September SPX 2430/2440 Credit Put spread (remainder of a former Elephant) but was not lucky trying to close it for 0.05 debit. I also intended to close the Call side of the October RUT Elephant, but had no luck either as I wanted a net +$400 gain on that side. Maybe I was a little greedy. So, summing up, I tried to close these two at different points in the week but did not get filled. I didn't sacrifice price limits on the orders as I was/am not terribly hurried to close these positions.