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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Closed Call side of June Iron Condor

Even though the 1965 short Call option of the June SPX 1710/1715/1965/1970 Iron Condor was showing only a 12% probability of being in the money by expiration, I decided to close the whole Call spread side today:

July 2014, SPY Calendar Spread

After studying Calendar spreads in depth for over a year, I entered the first one with real money today in a very low volatility environment:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (May 25, 2014)

I couldn't write a weekend portfolio analysis last week. I know many of you expected it, but sometimes life is just as random and unpredictable as the markets. I suddenly had a chance to go abroad and didn't have enough time to write a weekend article. In fact my flight was during the morning of Saturday May 17, which is the day and time where I usually write the Weekend Portfolio analysis article. Anyways, back in town, glad to see the markets barely moved.....I wonder if they will ever move again.....

July 2014, SPX Iron Condor

After 28 days without entering new trades, I finally entered a new position on Friday May the 23rd. With 8 weeks to July expiration, this was the trade:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (May 10, 2014)

Just a few minutes ago I was like,, I really need to write a Weekend Portfolio Analysis today? I mean, I could have copied/pasted the exact same article I wrote last week. My opinion hasn't changed. My positions are the same and just as healthy. My new trades are non-existent. Or I could have also added a new entry on the blog titled Weekend Portfolio Analysis as usual, but instead of spending near an hour writing crap, it could have simply been a one line article: "Folks look at my previous Weekend Portfolio Analysis. It's all there. It's all the same. See you next week". But I've come to love this exercise, so here me be, providing you with free entertainment on a beautiful Saturday morning.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weekend Portfolio Analysis (May 3, 2014)

The markets (SPX) went up 0.87% this week, from 1865 to 1881.14. It was an awesome week for me where I did nothing, nada, rien, zilch. I made a grand total of zero trades. Consequently I was able to have a life, be productive at work and on top of that I didn't read a single financial media article this week. I'm loving every minute of this "nothingness". Seriously.

The S&P500 is now up 1.7% for the year. The Dow Jones is down 0.4% and the Russell 2000 index is down by 3.3%. It's already May. If you are under performing this market, that means your portfolio growth so far this year is less than 1.7%. Consider buying SPY shares at the beginning of next year and forget about the markets. You will spend dramatically less in commissions; you won't be wasting your neurons day-in and day-out in front of a computer; you will be less stressed out and you will have a better and more fulfilling sex life.