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BookingAlpha Option Trading Advisory

Forex Trading Results

LT Trend Sniper System
2000-2009        Back-Testing Period
2010-2012        Out of Sample Testing
2013-2019        Live Trading
For more information about this system read LT Trend Sniper - A forex strategy that works

The goal of this portfolio is to obtain +15% Annual Returns while never experiencing a draw-down larger than 10%. Both instruments use a Moderate risk level. Risk can be increased in order to aim for higher returns, although draw-downs increase proportionately.
In its last year: 2019, the LT Trend Sniper EurUsd + Gold returned +2.59% vs +2.98% for the Barlcay's Currency Traders Index. In the seven years I traded it life, it never had a negative  year and on averaged it easily out performed the benchmark. However, I moved on from the Forex game in favor of other investing vehicles. Read here.

The goal of this conservative strategy is to obtain +9% Annual Returns while never experiencing a draw-down larger than 10%. A Moderate risk level is used. Risk can be increased in order to aim for higher returns, although draw-downs increase proportionately.